Urban tree planting solutions

Water management

Water Sensitive Urban Design
Treebuilders offers aid to tree planting companies in the form of urban planting solutions. With our products, we have created a way for trees in urban environments to thrive and mature, while balancing the need to protect city infrastructure and utilities buried underground.
Challenges for tree planting companies working in urban environments
Tree planting companies face various challenges when they undertake a project consisting of planting trees in cities or urban areas. After all, cities are very different from the natural environment of trees. For instance, many city trees die prematurely because their roots lack sufficient space to expand and are unable to absorb the necessary quantities of water to stay alive. Another challenge tree planting companies have to face is that of root heave. Without a proper system for root management in place, tree roots will grow to the surface and damage infrastructure such as pavement.
The best solutions for these problems
So, how can tree planting companies overcome the difficulties posed by the modern urban environment? The answer: by using Treebuilders’
solutions. Our products have been designed specifically for this purpose and are based on our experience and thorough discussion with nurseries, landscape architects and other professionals. Our first solution is the sandwich construction, a pressure spreading system that keeps soil from compacting and increases the available root growth volume. Additionally, it protects pavement integrity. Where subsurface structures are possible, we recommend tree planting companies use the TreeParker system. This soil containment cell provides unlimited expansion for root growth and promotes stormwater management.
Contact us for your solution
Are you interested in our urban tree planting solutions for companies and cities? We are happy to provide you with more information. Our experts will also gladly assist you in finding the best solution for your situation. Just let us know what we can do for you. Send us an email or call +31(0) 413 530 266.
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